Mohammadreza Osouli


September 2021 - Present Master's of Computer Science at University of Calgary

  • Member of Graphics, Interaction, and Visualization Group (GIV), under supervision of professor Faramarz Samavati.
  • Teaching Assistant, CPSC 457 - Principles of Operating Systems, Prof. Federl.

September 2016 - December 2020 | Bachelor of Computer Science at University of Tehran

  • Teaching Assistant of Algorithm Design, Bio-informatics, Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Automata Theory, Computation Theory, Fundamentals of Mathematics, Classical Logic, Introduction of Computer Programming, and Advanced Programming courses.


September 2021 - Present Research Assistant at University of Calgary

My research includes using computer graphic methods to create a discrete global grid system (DGGS) and applying different machine learning models on the multi-resolution data

February 2020 - August 2021 | Back-end developer at Tapsi

  • Experience of implementing real-time servers and microservices with Node.js, Express.js, and nosql databases like mongoDB and Redis.
  • Solving real world problems, handling concurrency issues and practicing different software architectures and design patterns.
  • Experience of working in a big team (more than 50 developers).

April 2018 - October 2019 Fullstack developer

  • Implementing cross-platform mobile apps using React-native, and restFull APIs using Django.

Technical Skills

  • OpenGL / libigl / eigen
  • Machine Learning
  • Modern C++
  • Git
  • Node.js
  • React / React-native
  • Django
  • SQL
  • MongoDB


Will be completed, come back later for this part... (or check my github :D)


Faramarz Samavati | University of Calgary | Professor

[email protected]

Adam Runions | University of Calgary | Assistant Professor

[email protected]

Amirreza Dadfarnia | Tapsi | Senior team lead

[email protected]

Personal Interests

  • Photography
  • Hiking
  • Baking and Cooking